Saturday 17 September 2011

New Blog Address

Actually I opened this blog with another gmail(since I didn't want him to know it,but he has known it now-_-)

So!I decided to change it into

and the link is:

ok i know nobody would visit it.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Major feeling

  That's pretty cool as I finally got that problem from my school.I'm not going to say it out here because it's too private :P But I'm going to tell that cup of tea.
  (Yes,he'll be laughing out loud "What the fuck?!!You're a xxxxxxx?xD")

  I'm addicted to a band from Russia these days which named t.A.T.u. There's 2 girls in the band and yes,they are LESBIANS.They kiss and hug each other in music videos and live shows cool!!
  Recommended: All The Things She Said
                          All About Us
                         Not Gonna Get Us

I got a cold war with Brian San,that little twit.I think we might get some conflicts and we don't talk to each other now.Even we do,we only speak a few words (actually I don't want to waste my time to type to him!)

That cup of tea talked to me few days ago and all he was asking was that "Did you eat your mooncakes?"Honestly,I wanted to say something about his speed of talking.(Yes,you,who're you pointing at?)You spoke soooo fast you know? == Could you breathe while you were talking to me?xD I couldn't actually.
(Hey,I ate 2 egg yolks which I grabbed from the mooncake last night!!:D)

And in the Biology lessons,I suddenly realised that the homework we've done is from HKAL paper OMG.....................The girl sitting in front of me has slept for 3 different lessons lol (Physics,Chemistry and Biology)But the funniest thing is that they always complain about their test results xD

Well....our PE lessons is changed to swimming lessons tomorrow orz

Ok now!!!i'm so bored and feeling defeated by that xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Straws and Chopsticks

  So he used two straws instead of a fork xD
I think we were like two nomads eating in MTR station lol just like two little homeless children.


And the theme song is I Will Always Love You.

He sings extremely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He can sing like Whitney Houston and Britney Spears!!!!!@@

And he forced me to sing xD

Well but in fact...............ours legs are broken =[

I am looking forward to the next date :D We'll meet each other for millions times this year actually,due to some sports activities organised by us (like hide-and-seek)

Honestly,while I was looking for him in that international school,I heard something was laughing.He was hiding in 4th floor but I kept looking for him and running on 4th and 5th floors ==

But his eyes can kill girls?xD

"Can you enter the male's toilet?"
"What?!Say again?"
"Couldn't you enter the toilet?"
"Why ask?!!!!"
"Someone told me that you couldn't enter it because you look like a girl ;D"
"Heyyy,who told you that?!!!Liars!!!Spill the details to me quickly!!!@@"
"Nothing xD"

"Will you get a credit card when you grow up?"
"Will you use it crazily?"
"I can control myself :D"
"If you get a girlfriend one day,and she uses the credit card crazily and tells you to pay for her,what will you do?"
"I will dump her undoubtedly xD "
"I will sell her to pay the money "I said
"Actually..I don't like my girls spending too much money."

Okay I got it xD

Thursday 25 August 2011

Oh you two supid~

Okay that's ridiculous enough you two stupid boys!

Brian,what's the use to call the rope-skipping school huh?In case you didn't ask anything(and you even forgot about the questions).And there is no any Kowloon International School.Are you kidding me?@0@

[coughing]And you know,silly boy(you said i'm a silly bitch).The first level of rock climbing won't let you to climb the Himalayas.

Brian:It's dangerous!!!No!!!

Okay now!Let's face our fate:We will never be able to play rope-skipping,definitely not.

No.2,the Lemon Tea!Is that you're put in the refrigerator for too long and your head turned upside down?!I want you to keep flirting me >< (do you still remember the message I sent to you?Braise-moi :D )

You said you could bring me out~~~~~

Let's rewrite some lyrics:
You don't want to hang out with me
You don't want to say that three words
Oh myyyyy Lemon
You just wanna show your cold face
You don't wanna kiss me
(Okay I'm out of topic)

In conclusion,you were just entertaining me right?
Oh gosh I know you KNOW something but I don't know what it is!
I just know you are hidding something from me!

Oh and you know what?
I don't give a shit on my weight :D
I eat whatever I like,who cares?

And.....[smiles secretly]
I had a dream
about you
Let's end this with this song,the lyrics explain everything.
(Yep you're right,I think about it too much =] )

Monday 22 August 2011


I know a boy.
He is misty.
He is lack of confidence.
One day,I said to myself,"......"
I do not know what is going on,not a bit.
I assume that,we are still friends.
One day,he said to me,"I'm glad that we are still friends."
And I was like flying in the sky,with my wings.
Not because of RedBull.

The wings brought me to the universe.
I saw the sun,the moon,and thousands of shiny stars.
Surprisedly,I fell down.
I hit the ground,I landed in Africa.
Didn't get scared by lions and tigers.

I asked myself,"It is not reasonable."
He hates me.The last time he talked to me he said he did so.
Then I wondered,how can a person hate someone but still can be friends with her?

And the point is,
He filled my heart,on that whole long day.
This doesn't mean I love him.

It is just a,
by myself.

I know a boy,
He is misty.

Tuesday 16 August 2011


I am very impressed that he said that.People say we know who are really true to us when we meet troubles.It happens,and he does.It is a long story if you need me to explain it.I only can tell you that it is a complete disaster.Like thousands of tsunami attacking you and you are sank to the buttom of the sea.

(Sorry for quoting this,Lemon)
Brian: These are all the past,you don't have to know what they think about you,me also.If I do hate you,why would I still be talking to you?
Chantal:So you think I'm bitchy too.
Brian:As you like,if you do so.
Chantal:Why everytime when others hate me or act against me and you just like nothing happened and talk to me as usual? (I got a bit nervous when I asked him this)
Brian:Because I don't care what others said.
Chantal: But if I really do something bad,you won't sit there and do nothing will you?
Brian : I don't know what bad things you have done.

Or what he said is really true?I am a suspicious person you know(Yep,Lemon Tea you've known for ages)

Anyway I finally know who is my real friend!!!!!!!!!>0< So that you,Anna and Victor!!!!!\@0@/

Friday 12 August 2011

Crimnal Summer

  It's summer,season of crimnal,blood,and ghosts.
  Recently I'm playing games on WildTangent.It's MAJOR COOL GAMES CENTRE.
(Hey I heard that you've bought a new computer,if it's Vista,then this centre may be included in your computer,find it!!!:D )
 And the most amazing thing is : I've completed every games that I played.It usually takes you 4-5 hours but if you are an expert like me [coughs] 3 hours will be enough [smirks]

Well,Campfire Legends:The Hookman and Nightfall Mystery:Asylum Cxxxxxx(?) are the two games that I played yesterday.They were soooooooooooo exciting!!!!!>0< and horrid!!!!!

Huh...there's one called Ghost Town Mystery.I gave up on it because some ghosts just appeared in a sudden and I just covered my eyes and did nothing.It scared me so I quited.

Nancy Drew's PC games are all on it!I discovered them few years ago and they were too difficult,I think.

But you only can play each game for 1-2 times so you better finish it once.

P.S. Brian talked to me :D and we've got a conclusion.I'm so impressed by what he said.It's worth it to meet a friend like him [hugging a pillow]


Tuesday 9 August 2011


I'm so bored,really.Everyone just disappeared these days and they are offline on MSN,Facebook....etc. One person does online but not in my communicative ways.

(Misturabeat xD)
You've got me laugh lol

Recently I'm reading Harry Potter.I used almost 4-5 days to finish the 1-4 episodes.And I started reading The Order of the Phoenix today.

What a lazy boring summer.I am like being grounded [angrying] And somebody said he could go out but now it was just cancelled,no reply!I feel like cheated [angrying again]
If I have to use a picture to represent my face these days,I will choose Skrik \@0@/

[Groan] Heyyyyyy!!!!!!
I wanna find somebody to play with me (Nonono,Mommy isn't a good choice)

P.S. I slept at 3am last night,was reading Harry Potter 4 and listening to musik.
"Once upon a time I was falling in love,now I'm only falling apart.Nothing I can say,total eclipse of the heart...." I am not copying from your PC profile.But I heard this song for the first time last year,in March.Honesly my nose is very strange,it smells the air and atmosphere and brings me the feelings of something.Like I'm back to the times,golden time of mine.

I keep hidding and lying,but still can't hide from the Mirror of Memories.

Sunday 31 July 2011


  Just a minute I realised that I would never fit in his social life.What I'm trying to say is his "mum" and brothers.Although he says I'm his close friend "in words".I just can't feel it.In the worst situation I even imagined that he was all lying to me.

  I'm born to be suspicious.He doesn't act like he's against me(of course he wouldn't) when others attack me but I am not sure if he just dislikes me in heart just like the others.Because we are from 2 schools,2 genders and have seen each other for only 1 time.I can never be as friendly as his friends do.

  Have you found a post on Facebook like "Like this status and I'll give you a percentage."
  He gave me 60% which means "close friends".I'm....disappointed.And he gave his "mum"(Ivy) 200%!!!I am so envy about their friendship.Why everytime I take a person as my favourite one but I am not his?

  Do you despise me,ex-boy?

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Disaster Attacked

  It was not an accident.

  It was more serious than a car crash.

  It just like a bomb exploed in a watermelon and all juice spilled to one person,me.
  I argued with Geoffrey last night and he was at his highest anger point:he posted what I said on Facebook.There was only one person who likes it but I am sure that Brian and others MUST saw it.My image,my fame,my life....(not that serious)....anyway,I am dead.

  So dead.

  I mean,he must thinks that how I think of Verna Cheung at the back(SHXT),and Anna may be involved....I don't know.But she told me that Verna Cheung had helped his history a lot.He didn't make any comments or press the "like" button.Before the big storm attacked,Geoffrey and I did a "samller" fight and his view was: No comments,but just speechless and jaws off".

  Casper,scold me!!I ruined everything!!![sitting in the corner]

  He refused it and I went there with Jenny and Rachel instead.We did a fantastic girls'date.We laughed and talked about handsome boys(especially the one who sat next to us,a foreigner)And we orderd a big cup of Ice-cream+Soft drink for each of us.I really tried not to think about boys today.It was really familiar with the scenes from teen films.Finally,we ended the day by a nice tram trip.

Saturday 23 July 2011

The second date!

  Hurray~ he's going to hang out with me on the last day of the Book Fair.We are going to attack it with all our money.We said we would bring our sleeping bags and sleep outside it.And we are preparing for it.

  In fact,both of us went to there yesterday =]  But I went there at 4:00.I asked him if he wanted to come or not.He said he had a tutorial class in Causeway Bay.After I left Causeway Bay at 7:00,he arrived == He text me like "Where are you now?@@" I wish I didn't leave it so fast......

  Anyway,this will be the second time I see him in PERSON.

  And the clumsy me........

Thursday 21 July 2011


  I seem like making everything to a mess.I mean,it was alright yesterday but dunno why,when it came to today,it was a disaster.Well not that dangerous but....uh.......{chewing lips]
  I am shaking when I making milkshake~~~ Okay,no more puns.
  All the things make me wonder that : Does he discover it ?! /______\
  If he does,then it is bad.Because I want to wait for the right time.Anna said he MUST has something with Ivy -___- He refused this status,of course.

 I am a mess,this is a mess,all things are a mess~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gonna tidy up.......this....................mess..........................

I wish I could eat my baked ice moutain just like last last night ><

And honestly,seriously,I even don't know if I like him or not.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Second Dilemma!!

  I sent a song to him few days ago.I said,"May I sing a song to you?"He answered,"Yes."
  I chose a song called "Kai歌之王" by The Pancakes.Don't think it is funny.It isn't at all.The lyrics are touching and moving.

  Like this: 我想寫首K歌 應選用字眼哪一個
                我很想 我想寫首K歌
                到了寂寞無助 你會想起我

I said,"Just imagine it's my voice."
He said,"...."
I don't know whether he got it or not.

After it,we talked like normal friends,til today.

Should I join Raimondi?He is there and it will be much much happier and funnier.My life will be brighter.But its level is a bit lower than YWGS......and I'm afraid that I may not fit in their group.They have played for 2 years and I suddenly spot in...................................................................................I am freakin out...........................................................................................................................................Will it be embarrassed?

I don't know why that whenever I dreamed about him(just chatting and walking in the streets),people around us act like nothing happened.Like we were invisible.
Well and last night's dream was know. and wind,streets,big clothes,lonely,looking for each know,yep.

I just hope that Bxxxx is not reading this.

Friday 15 July 2011

Harry Day

  I went to watch Harry Potter today.It was brilliant,magical,fabulous,fantastic and a masterpiece!I especially like the scene when all studnets and teachers start to protect Hogwarts.I was eating a bunch of gummy bears during the movie lol
  I am talking to Brian on the Net right now.He is like...nothing special?(Of course he's like that I haven't told anything to him yet)He probably is playing Talesrunner,okay I will be logged in there soon! you see I'm still not reall sure about my feeling.We did hang out once,on 31st Dec,just two of us.We met in Tsim Sha Tsui and walked in the crowd streets.I was impressed since he had waited for me like 4 hours because I left for the performance of Complaints Choir.I wished he was my amant that time because that was so close.And "you-know-who" was in Macau....that far way.But we didn't hang out after this.He went out with his classmates instead and that's the worst thing.Because I am not as close as them....I  mean they meet each other everyday in school!

Thursday 14 July 2011


  I spent most of the time in Hong Kong Central Library these days.I sit there and read books,til it was 6 o'clock.I read Spike And Suzy the comics.
  He went out to watch Harry Potter with his classmates today.I knew it.But I still text him.He replied me as well.Well,I felt a bit....sour?But I wouldn't join them even though I know them.I just feel like...don't fit in.They are from the same school,same class.Although he said I was in his top 3 of the friend list,I still don't much feel comfortable with it.Sometimes I even think I am quite gossip to interfere their class affairs.
  I asked him to hang out with me,a movie day.I am not quite sure he will come.He didn't answer my question actually.He just asked me ,"which film do you want?" The stupid me answered some nonsense : Hey I have Mr.Poppins'Penguins,the original book!.
  Then we teared the topic away,and I forgot to come back to the major problem.
  But remind you that,I don't like him.I am not sure.This thing happened last summer too,in June.But I knew it was only a mistake.Hm....not really.But I had that guy at that time so I didn't pay much attention to him.But BS talked and played with me at our cold war that time.

  Hey,I am in a confusion and a dilemma.Should I tell him what I feel?But both Anna,Victor and I think that he will be like "you are kidding me"/"you are joking."/"stop being crazy"Then he'll start to explain how bad he is.(He isn't at all,in fact)

  I just ......I haven't felt this way for a long time lol,like I am a dry old woman

  Do I fall for him? /_\ Can anyone apply me a quiz? I am so confused and don't know how to face him these days Gosh!!! =[

Wednesday 13 July 2011


A strange thing happened this week.

What happened to me?A charming feeling fills up my heart.

But I am not a slut!

Do I like him?I don't know.

Saturday 2 July 2011

A sign

I am not sure whether it is a sign or not.Last year's winter,when I was taking bus to school,I said to myself : Please give me sign,tell me what to do.Then,a big arrow showed on the road(actually it is always on it).I looked at it,and turned my eyes upwards: Ying Wa Girls'School?!

This year's sign is from ELLE Horoscope.It said that I should be peaceful and leave the world for a while.Then start my life again.

Well,I think............I still amour him.

And last night's dream....was charming.....[smiling sweetly]

                                                      yesterday's protest was totally crazy.

Have you ever seen a group of teenagers rapping under the bridge in Admiralty?And we all went crazy?Just like sining karaoke?==
Yes you are right.
We are them.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Ulcer Day

  是不是因為用了Spongebob Squarepants Toothpaste,所以我的口里有一粒ulcer呢?

  It has settled in my mouth for 3 days.I shouldn't throw the medicine away [feeling guilty] In November,it visited me once and it was HORRIBLE.I couldn't eat well,talk well and sleep well.I missed a yummy dinner,it should go back to its planet!

  I finally finished reading a series of comics called "美味關係".It doesn't like the ordinary style of Japanese comics.At least the characters'eyes are that big.Victor said there are eyes which cover over 80% of the faces.It is a very good and inspirational series.Try to find it in Hong Kong Central Library.It is put on 6th floor.

  I borrowed two books wrote by Agatha Christie.They are 4:50 From Paddington and Dead Man's Folly.Crimson Summer! [licking blook on a knife]

  He has ignored me for almost a week..........If....if.....I won't annoy you...can you talk to me just like normal friends?I know you even defy me for being your friend.
  I just want you can comfort me when I am down,can talk to me with my childish thoughts,can share happy things with me in daily life.....

  [Touching my ulcer......AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!Mum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Gallery I


I think here is the park in Ap Lee Chau.......I forgot,but I remeber this bridge.



從學校的壁報板上拿的人仔(There are still 3 head in my drawer)




比真人Lysander仲靚仔的Syrian Lysander!

飽經風霜的一幅相,圍巾把嘴唇印了出來,形成了A Statue.








Monday 27 June 2011

My Childhood

  First,I want to share a song by Joanna.I miss her voice.

  I had my childhood in Shenzheng and Ap Lee Chau.Due to my mother's business,she bought a flat in Shenzheng and lived there with me.My dad came once a week.I missed the chocolate and snacks he bought in Hong Kong the most.Unfortunately I cannot find it in supermarket anymore.I entered an international kindergarten.I didn't want to go  to school actually.Kids in there were all foreigners,well almost.There were just 2 Chinese in my class.The teacher was very strict.She didn't let me write a wrong stroke of my words.I was very very naughty when I was young.I had locked few boys in the toilet.But under the teacher's eyes,I released them....unwillingly.
  Since the education in Hong Kong is better,my mom sold the house and moved to Hong Kong.We lived in Ap Lee Chau.It was quiet and small.I love it.There is no bus and all you can hear is people walking in the streets.There is a park and I usually went there with my mom after dinner.I was an active "boy".....and also.....gorillaz in school?

 Crimes done by me in childhood:
1. I used to make all the books lying on the floor in library.Then I walked away quickly.....the librarian was so poor....sorry
2.I used to pinch a girl's arms in kindergarten because she was too mean.I didn't feel sorry for her.
3.I broke mangosteen since I thought it could jump up and down just like a ball.I put it back into the refrigerator secretly.
4.The girl sat next to me in primary one was too noisy and mean(I hadn't entered LMC yet).I threw my rubber to her and [bomb],it hit her head.She cried and I looked at her happily.

I was very very very very naughty.I was not a good kid in school,I mean my conduct.....I never get A,mainly B......

There are many more things I can tell.But I want to play Women's Murder Club (a computer game,IT'S AWESOME!) right now.All I can say is: I am only a kid even now.....I am even not a ...normal teenager.

It is very easy to get the game.You can download the software and you can choose your games to play(but only 1-2 times)


(I seems to be happy but actually I'm not.)

Sunday 26 June 2011

Oh No

Oh no,I should go to Page One today.Maybe I would pull down the bookshelfs and let the books hit his head.

Oh no,I lost a reader who is the most important but the most unpopular one.

Oh no,I haven't solved  the case Little Black Lies from Women's Murder Club yet.I should finish it today but my mom told me to stay away from the computer.Just a little,a little bit then I could find out who's the cruel killer!dammit!

Oh no,I bought....Spongebob Squarepants toothpaste?!It says "Bubble Fruit flavor" and "Toothpaste for kids" and it is really BLUE.Do you think my teeth will be whiter and more shiny?

Oh no,I bought a box of AHMAD TEA but I chose a wrong flavor

Oh no,I really should go to Page One why didn't I even think about it?!I supposed to buy books today but I was just too lazy to walk out of my home!!! /_\

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.I DO want him to read my posts though.

Since I won't talk about my Liebe life anymore.

[tearing my cheeks] Can you just read?R-E-A-D.

Yes,read.PLEASEEEEEEEE /_\ [sitting in a corner,being autistic]


I am not sure what I should do now.
I feel irritable when I finish all my thick heavy books.What should I do next?There is a "paper hill" (I teared them from some useless exercise books) on my desk and I draw childish things on it,using crayons.
I haven't been out of my house for 2 days.I did think to take MTR without a destination.Just to wander around some districts which I haven't been there.But by considering the budget,I think I will do it later.

How about sitting outside the Hong Kong Culture Centre for a whole day?

Or exploring some old streets and vintage shops in Central?

I seems like losing my will.I feel so scared since there's nothing to do in my daily life.And the worst thing is: It's summer holidays......

I think he will be extremely happy when he is reading about this.He MUST be very excited about my boring life.That's a huge success for him,congratulations.

So yep,what am I going to do now?After I finish this post?Maybe I can go to the kitchen and take up a knife,then stab into myself to end up all these.

Please do not call 999.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Calculation and others(my habits)

I like calculating times.Usually when I am revising books,I calculate the pages and each hour used on them.Then I set a target(time) for myself to revise.But this increases the pressure of learning to me.

More worse,even when I am taking a bus(soon to be late!),I calculate it as well.
Time I left: 15 mins
1 minute=60seconds
15 x 60 = 900seconds

then i start counting.................................

And I like counting how long an event has passed.....I always count the times of something treasurable.However,counting them makes me feel miserable especially when I realised that they are no longer happen right this moment.

I am an perfectionist.Since I was a child,I liked finishing all the homework (even it had tons of it that day) before I went to play.It was insane but I did enjoy the progress of writing words.I still enjoy it today.Whenever I see the dense and meaningful words lie on my book,I feel satisfied.
If there is an imperfect stroke on my letter,I feel mad and I MUST need to correct it.Otherwise I will be irritable.
I usually get high marks in school.I think if there's any bad things happen,then the only chance I can be happy is based on my academic performance.
Low marks?I feel depressed,but it will soon disappear because of my funny silly classmates and the Language Arts teacher (who has big boobs and doesn't wear underwear,we all call her Sexy Man--negative)

One of my habits is silly: I write "lucky day" and "bad day" on my big big big and colourful calendar.

In order to get over the lonely time during lunch time,I always put a book in my bag.It must be easy to read and happy.

When I am sad,the movies and books I watch and read are all cheerful.When that someone talks to me or does something which makes me feel like flying in the sky,I grab the chance to watch romances e.g. Roman Holiday,since it is hard to watch them deal to my pathetic love life.

As you see,I am kinda a feisty girl.But mainly in school,I am extremely shy and timid in realife..............(you won't believe this) I seldom talk to strangers.Instead,I talk to myself when I am bored.But same,I don't speak out.Alexis is my best friend but he always goes out to play.Sometimes I play with my teddy bears(I have hundreds!!) and the long,green and silly dragon from IKEA.We play some dramas and stories.Many of them were bought by my mom before I they are historic.

So far,you think I am a lonely girl who plays with her imginary friend and toys.But what I can say about it? HAHA,yes I am.My mind is still in 6-7 years old.I like wandering around in Toy's r us.....I think it is deal with my mother.She takes care of me like I am 3 years old kid.She knows I am a teenager but she still talks to me with baby words.But I have got used to them......Since I am the only child in my house,I discovered funny things to play by myself.

That's my habits.Weird?I am a nerd.

I don't know what happened last summer

I have something needs to confess.
First,I saw you and she's conversation on Facebook.I don't know why you still believe that it was me who talked to your mother.In fact,I did not talk a word to your mom.And I did not spread scandals to your parents.Email?This is the most ridiculous thing from your mouth.
You want truth?Then this is the truth.
But I really did answer your father's questions.I think you got angry because of this.
I don't think there was someone who told your mom that I was your girlfriend.Victor would not do this I swear.And do you think I have the guts to speak to her? The most possible possibility was that she discovered something weird and started to doubt you.That's it.
According to your words,these are the things I can think of.And til now,"who" and "how" are still a mystery.

Second,your ex-pair.Yes I did talk to her.Scold me.I wanted to know what she likes when you were falling for her.We talked about entertainment and other stuff.We did mention about you.But there was no scandals about you.I didn't spread rumors.Whenever you and she had a fight,your first feeling was like "SHE AGAIN!" But hadn't you noticed anything wrong about yourself?Don't you think the problems are caused by you?

Last,you,Lysander Connors,do not say something unreal to anyone.Things you don't know or not sure,they can be the most harmful weapons to people.If you want to say something bad about someone,find and prove.

And I don't want my blog would be your weapon to fight against me.Remember,something I have done/will do not mainly because of you,don't be that arrogant.You think the much you hurt me then the much I want to leave you.You are wrong.And sorry to disappoint you.

If you've got the answers/clues about what happened last summer,please tell me

I don't mean that I didn't do anything wrong in all events.But I don't want you to think I am a bitch anymore.

Oh and about my image and impression in your heart*coughs*let's don't talk about it.

(much better after I typed all these things out!)
(but what's the use to type it?you won't believe what I said lol)
(fine,very fine,okay,Tschuss)

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Apple Daily

  I don't want to eat a Dead Cat.
  Someone read my posts and exaggerated them.
  That someone probably can be a report for Apple Daily,those reporters just see something and they adopt a part of it and make some news.exaggerating.
  更可笑的是他們會根據你所寫的事而捏造一些事情,people trust them so much because what they say is based on some facts.And people who don't know how to distinguish things,pathetic.

  Maybe that someone's ability of comprehension is too bad.......or,they want to kick you,let you fall down and never can stand up again.According to my understanding,this is named "fabricate".

"'I hate americans that blah blah blah' yeah yeah, Hong Kong Girls are so not my type. I'm different, after all. I love the states when the others love China. I love english when they prefer Chinese. "

An idiot said something like this above.

  I have said that I didn't like Americans and USA's fast-food culture.So what?That means all Americans are my enemies and I am going to do some tricks on your latest relationship?!Do you know what is "gerneral"?The reasons why I don't like them are because as a strong economy power(maybe,but it is suffering a great danger),it has printed and distributed millions of banknote and caused the "tsunami".Secondly,political reason and I am not going to explain further.If you are not a person who cares about the world and society like that someone,then fine.
  Personal reason: This is because of my own point of view......Blondies,Big Boobs,Flirty,Sweet voices and cheering team leaders.Hm,normal girls in Teen films.

  Superficial?No I am not.

  I don't want to say more about the complicated USA.

  Prefering Chinese?Yes I have stated this point too in my past posts.
  Again,"in general".
  Didn't I mention so clearly that Chinese is better than English SOMETIMES?!I don't understand why some people can make a big news about it.(not specific)Even he didn't make a big news,his point of view is wrong.
  Oh and one more thing: I don't like China *whispers* (except Tibet)Same,political reasons and modern culture.I like some other European countries instead.

Next time when you're trying to beat my heart,I recommand you to find something reasonable.

Nevermind,he does think he is right in everything and covers his ears when others'talking to him.Yes,he is absolutely dim-sighted.簡直是對牛彈琴,不過通常像你這種填鴨,聽不聽都無所謂啦,橫掂填鴨最後也不懂得飛。

我打賭:He will try to prove that I am wrong,no doubt.
I xxxx him but I xxxx him.And I xxxx Chantal Lemonade but I xxxx her at the same time.

Someone is right,I have been just following him.