Wednesday 22 June 2011

Apple Daily

  I don't want to eat a Dead Cat.
  Someone read my posts and exaggerated them.
  That someone probably can be a report for Apple Daily,those reporters just see something and they adopt a part of it and make some news.exaggerating.
  更可笑的是他們會根據你所寫的事而捏造一些事情,people trust them so much because what they say is based on some facts.And people who don't know how to distinguish things,pathetic.

  Maybe that someone's ability of comprehension is too bad.......or,they want to kick you,let you fall down and never can stand up again.According to my understanding,this is named "fabricate".

"'I hate americans that blah blah blah' yeah yeah, Hong Kong Girls are so not my type. I'm different, after all. I love the states when the others love China. I love english when they prefer Chinese. "

An idiot said something like this above.

  I have said that I didn't like Americans and USA's fast-food culture.So what?That means all Americans are my enemies and I am going to do some tricks on your latest relationship?!Do you know what is "gerneral"?The reasons why I don't like them are because as a strong economy power(maybe,but it is suffering a great danger),it has printed and distributed millions of banknote and caused the "tsunami".Secondly,political reason and I am not going to explain further.If you are not a person who cares about the world and society like that someone,then fine.
  Personal reason: This is because of my own point of view......Blondies,Big Boobs,Flirty,Sweet voices and cheering team leaders.Hm,normal girls in Teen films.

  Superficial?No I am not.

  I don't want to say more about the complicated USA.

  Prefering Chinese?Yes I have stated this point too in my past posts.
  Again,"in general".
  Didn't I mention so clearly that Chinese is better than English SOMETIMES?!I don't understand why some people can make a big news about it.(not specific)Even he didn't make a big news,his point of view is wrong.
  Oh and one more thing: I don't like China *whispers* (except Tibet)Same,political reasons and modern culture.I like some other European countries instead.

Next time when you're trying to beat my heart,I recommand you to find something reasonable.

Nevermind,he does think he is right in everything and covers his ears when others'talking to him.Yes,he is absolutely dim-sighted.簡直是對牛彈琴,不過通常像你這種填鴨,聽不聽都無所謂啦,橫掂填鴨最後也不懂得飛。

我打賭:He will try to prove that I am wrong,no doubt.
I xxxx him but I xxxx him.And I xxxx Chantal Lemonade but I xxxx her at the same time.

Someone is right,I have been just following him.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. chantal,支持你的想法。


  3. 他的潛意識里是歪曲了我原本的意思因為他已經將我標籤成為一個"bitch",a one who is jealous about him and his DEAREST Jessica Lewis.所以我們沒有可能做到與那些foreigners一樣的待遇。雖然我不認為他想突出自己,但其種種行為令我覺得他是一個極度自戀的人,一些他不認為是正確或是出自某些他不喜歡的人的說話對Apple Daily的記者而言簡直是廢話。
    最可悲的是我既不想他影響我日常心情(later i will attend the German class and you will attend the Kongfu class)但是在另一廂他要影響我的心情是這麼容易。
