Thursday 14 July 2011


  I spent most of the time in Hong Kong Central Library these days.I sit there and read books,til it was 6 o'clock.I read Spike And Suzy the comics.
  He went out to watch Harry Potter with his classmates today.I knew it.But I still text him.He replied me as well.Well,I felt a bit....sour?But I wouldn't join them even though I know them.I just feel like...don't fit in.They are from the same school,same class.Although he said I was in his top 3 of the friend list,I still don't much feel comfortable with it.Sometimes I even think I am quite gossip to interfere their class affairs.
  I asked him to hang out with me,a movie day.I am not quite sure he will come.He didn't answer my question actually.He just asked me ,"which film do you want?" The stupid me answered some nonsense : Hey I have Mr.Poppins'Penguins,the original book!.
  Then we teared the topic away,and I forgot to come back to the major problem.
  But remind you that,I don't like him.I am not sure.This thing happened last summer too,in June.But I knew it was only a mistake.Hm....not really.But I had that guy at that time so I didn't pay much attention to him.But BS talked and played with me at our cold war that time.

  Hey,I am in a confusion and a dilemma.Should I tell him what I feel?But both Anna,Victor and I think that he will be like "you are kidding me"/"you are joking."/"stop being crazy"Then he'll start to explain how bad he is.(He isn't at all,in fact)

  I just ......I haven't felt this way for a long time lol,like I am a dry old woman

  Do I fall for him? /_\ Can anyone apply me a quiz? I am so confused and don't know how to face him these days Gosh!!! =[


  1. if you finally have someone else in your mind, I do think it is time to give it a shot.

  2. what about if he just takes me as a good friend?will it destroy the relationship?and i think it may be embarrased to talk after I "give it a shot".

  3. Girl, firstly, congrats! you moved on! Haha. *high fives*

    And secondly, think. Think if you're ready, and he's ready as well. If you think both of you are good friends, then do what he (^) tells you. Hehe.

  4. i am not sure about it.I am still tinking both of them:Brian and "you-know-who".
    but it's hard to cover the feelings you know....

  5. well you can't stand there and watch. You better do something before he finds someone else, in my opinion. go ahead, ask him out. if he won't talk to you, go talk to HIM.

  6. He DOES talk to me everyday.But he seems acts very nice to all his friends.In fact,I did ask him about this before.
    Me:Have you thought to have a girlfriend?
    BS:I think I am immature and still a kid.I don't think much about this right now.Maybe when I can learn how to love someone then I will consider it.
    BS:Let's be friends =]

    Plus many people take this as a joke(i mean boyfriend+girlfriend stuff) with him since he looks shy and like a girl.So even I tell him,he won't believe it.
