Thursday 15 September 2011

Major feeling

  That's pretty cool as I finally got that problem from my school.I'm not going to say it out here because it's too private :P But I'm going to tell that cup of tea.
  (Yes,he'll be laughing out loud "What the fuck?!!You're a xxxxxxx?xD")

  I'm addicted to a band from Russia these days which named t.A.T.u. There's 2 girls in the band and yes,they are LESBIANS.They kiss and hug each other in music videos and live shows cool!!
  Recommended: All The Things She Said
                          All About Us
                         Not Gonna Get Us

I got a cold war with Brian San,that little twit.I think we might get some conflicts and we don't talk to each other now.Even we do,we only speak a few words (actually I don't want to waste my time to type to him!)

That cup of tea talked to me few days ago and all he was asking was that "Did you eat your mooncakes?"Honestly,I wanted to say something about his speed of talking.(Yes,you,who're you pointing at?)You spoke soooo fast you know? == Could you breathe while you were talking to me?xD I couldn't actually.
(Hey,I ate 2 egg yolks which I grabbed from the mooncake last night!!:D)

And in the Biology lessons,I suddenly realised that the homework we've done is from HKAL paper OMG.....................The girl sitting in front of me has slept for 3 different lessons lol (Physics,Chemistry and Biology)But the funniest thing is that they always complain about their test results xD

Well....our PE lessons is changed to swimming lessons tomorrow orz

Ok now!!!i'm so bored and feeling defeated by that xxxxxxxxxxxx.

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