Sunday 31 July 2011


  Just a minute I realised that I would never fit in his social life.What I'm trying to say is his "mum" and brothers.Although he says I'm his close friend "in words".I just can't feel it.In the worst situation I even imagined that he was all lying to me.

  I'm born to be suspicious.He doesn't act like he's against me(of course he wouldn't) when others attack me but I am not sure if he just dislikes me in heart just like the others.Because we are from 2 schools,2 genders and have seen each other for only 1 time.I can never be as friendly as his friends do.

  Have you found a post on Facebook like "Like this status and I'll give you a percentage."
  He gave me 60% which means "close friends".I'm....disappointed.And he gave his "mum"(Ivy) 200%!!!I am so envy about their friendship.Why everytime I take a person as my favourite one but I am not his?

  Do you despise me,ex-boy?

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Disaster Attacked

  It was not an accident.

  It was more serious than a car crash.

  It just like a bomb exploed in a watermelon and all juice spilled to one person,me.
  I argued with Geoffrey last night and he was at his highest anger point:he posted what I said on Facebook.There was only one person who likes it but I am sure that Brian and others MUST saw it.My image,my fame,my life....(not that serious)....anyway,I am dead.

  So dead.

  I mean,he must thinks that how I think of Verna Cheung at the back(SHXT),and Anna may be involved....I don't know.But she told me that Verna Cheung had helped his history a lot.He didn't make any comments or press the "like" button.Before the big storm attacked,Geoffrey and I did a "samller" fight and his view was: No comments,but just speechless and jaws off".

  Casper,scold me!!I ruined everything!!![sitting in the corner]

  He refused it and I went there with Jenny and Rachel instead.We did a fantastic girls'date.We laughed and talked about handsome boys(especially the one who sat next to us,a foreigner)And we orderd a big cup of Ice-cream+Soft drink for each of us.I really tried not to think about boys today.It was really familiar with the scenes from teen films.Finally,we ended the day by a nice tram trip.

Saturday 23 July 2011

The second date!

  Hurray~ he's going to hang out with me on the last day of the Book Fair.We are going to attack it with all our money.We said we would bring our sleeping bags and sleep outside it.And we are preparing for it.

  In fact,both of us went to there yesterday =]  But I went there at 4:00.I asked him if he wanted to come or not.He said he had a tutorial class in Causeway Bay.After I left Causeway Bay at 7:00,he arrived == He text me like "Where are you now?@@" I wish I didn't leave it so fast......

  Anyway,this will be the second time I see him in PERSON.

  And the clumsy me........

Thursday 21 July 2011


  I seem like making everything to a mess.I mean,it was alright yesterday but dunno why,when it came to today,it was a disaster.Well not that dangerous but....uh.......{chewing lips]
  I am shaking when I making milkshake~~~ Okay,no more puns.
  All the things make me wonder that : Does he discover it ?! /______\
  If he does,then it is bad.Because I want to wait for the right time.Anna said he MUST has something with Ivy -___- He refused this status,of course.

 I am a mess,this is a mess,all things are a mess~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gonna tidy up.......this....................mess..........................

I wish I could eat my baked ice moutain just like last last night ><

And honestly,seriously,I even don't know if I like him or not.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Second Dilemma!!

  I sent a song to him few days ago.I said,"May I sing a song to you?"He answered,"Yes."
  I chose a song called "Kai歌之王" by The Pancakes.Don't think it is funny.It isn't at all.The lyrics are touching and moving.

  Like this: 我想寫首K歌 應選用字眼哪一個
                我很想 我想寫首K歌
                到了寂寞無助 你會想起我

I said,"Just imagine it's my voice."
He said,"...."
I don't know whether he got it or not.

After it,we talked like normal friends,til today.

Should I join Raimondi?He is there and it will be much much happier and funnier.My life will be brighter.But its level is a bit lower than YWGS......and I'm afraid that I may not fit in their group.They have played for 2 years and I suddenly spot in...................................................................................I am freakin out...........................................................................................................................................Will it be embarrassed?

I don't know why that whenever I dreamed about him(just chatting and walking in the streets),people around us act like nothing happened.Like we were invisible.
Well and last night's dream was know. and wind,streets,big clothes,lonely,looking for each know,yep.

I just hope that Bxxxx is not reading this.

Friday 15 July 2011

Harry Day

  I went to watch Harry Potter today.It was brilliant,magical,fabulous,fantastic and a masterpiece!I especially like the scene when all studnets and teachers start to protect Hogwarts.I was eating a bunch of gummy bears during the movie lol
  I am talking to Brian on the Net right now.He is like...nothing special?(Of course he's like that I haven't told anything to him yet)He probably is playing Talesrunner,okay I will be logged in there soon! you see I'm still not reall sure about my feeling.We did hang out once,on 31st Dec,just two of us.We met in Tsim Sha Tsui and walked in the crowd streets.I was impressed since he had waited for me like 4 hours because I left for the performance of Complaints Choir.I wished he was my amant that time because that was so close.And "you-know-who" was in Macau....that far way.But we didn't hang out after this.He went out with his classmates instead and that's the worst thing.Because I am not as close as them....I  mean they meet each other everyday in school!

Thursday 14 July 2011


  I spent most of the time in Hong Kong Central Library these days.I sit there and read books,til it was 6 o'clock.I read Spike And Suzy the comics.
  He went out to watch Harry Potter with his classmates today.I knew it.But I still text him.He replied me as well.Well,I felt a bit....sour?But I wouldn't join them even though I know them.I just feel like...don't fit in.They are from the same school,same class.Although he said I was in his top 3 of the friend list,I still don't much feel comfortable with it.Sometimes I even think I am quite gossip to interfere their class affairs.
  I asked him to hang out with me,a movie day.I am not quite sure he will come.He didn't answer my question actually.He just asked me ,"which film do you want?" The stupid me answered some nonsense : Hey I have Mr.Poppins'Penguins,the original book!.
  Then we teared the topic away,and I forgot to come back to the major problem.
  But remind you that,I don't like him.I am not sure.This thing happened last summer too,in June.But I knew it was only a mistake.Hm....not really.But I had that guy at that time so I didn't pay much attention to him.But BS talked and played with me at our cold war that time.

  Hey,I am in a confusion and a dilemma.Should I tell him what I feel?But both Anna,Victor and I think that he will be like "you are kidding me"/"you are joking."/"stop being crazy"Then he'll start to explain how bad he is.(He isn't at all,in fact)

  I just ......I haven't felt this way for a long time lol,like I am a dry old woman

  Do I fall for him? /_\ Can anyone apply me a quiz? I am so confused and don't know how to face him these days Gosh!!! =[

Wednesday 13 July 2011


A strange thing happened this week.

What happened to me?A charming feeling fills up my heart.

But I am not a slut!

Do I like him?I don't know.

Saturday 2 July 2011

A sign

I am not sure whether it is a sign or not.Last year's winter,when I was taking bus to school,I said to myself : Please give me sign,tell me what to do.Then,a big arrow showed on the road(actually it is always on it).I looked at it,and turned my eyes upwards: Ying Wa Girls'School?!

This year's sign is from ELLE Horoscope.It said that I should be peaceful and leave the world for a while.Then start my life again.

Well,I think............I still amour him.

And last night's dream....was charming.....[smiling sweetly]

                                                      yesterday's protest was totally crazy.

Have you ever seen a group of teenagers rapping under the bridge in Admiralty?And we all went crazy?Just like sining karaoke?==
Yes you are right.
We are them.